Savages is the druggy dilemma of best friends and Laguna pot growers Chon (Taylor Kitsch) and Ben (Aaron Johnson), who live a blazed-out lifestyle with their trippy galpal, O. Their Laguna pot is so good that the Mexican cartel wants in. When they refuse, the cartel kidnaps O and charges a heavy ransom to get her back. Chon, a Navy SEAL, and Ben pay the ransom by covertly ripping off the cartel’s own shipments setting the stage for a most dangerous international thief.
Also in the mix are Salma Hayek, who plays the role of Mexican cartel queen-pin Elena and Benicio Del Toro, as the vicious cartel enforcer Lado. The script is by Winslow and Shane Salerno. Production on Savages begins in July with Universal Pictures financing and distributing.
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