Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Awhile ago I read about the film Boy A starring the new/next Spiderman, Andrew Garfield. Garfield is a brilliant young talent. He is Sean Penn, Leonardo DiCaprio, Edward Norton and Joseph Gordon-Levitt all rolled up into a sinewy unaffected boy-next-door type. After watching Boy A, I only hope he continues on with his craft and shaloms through Hollywood 3-D pics and summer tentpoles to secure great material to truly showcase his budding talent.

Having to restart a life sidetracked at pre-adolescence, now 24 years old, Boy A, Jack (Andrew Garfield), is starting life. Recently released from prison with a new name, new location and new job, Jack embarks upon life as Jack. Aided by Terry (Peter Mullan), his parole contact who becomes like a father to him, Jack hesitantly reclaims life, forms friendships and learns, he too is beautiful, as he enters into a relationship with a passionate young woman.

When tragedy strikes close to work, Jack's good deed is rewarded yet unleashes all of the secrets of the heinous crime he committed as a boy. Although Jack has served his time for this, as we learn more about the crime which has ruined so many lives, the suspense is heightened, the intrigue unfolds and outcome is heartbreak.

Jack learns that it is not so easy to escape your past or to pay for your crime.

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